Your quick guide to safely return to work during-Covid-19:
Since the pandemic outbreak, there have been continuous updates on new health measures in the workplace. This guide helps simplify the government guidelines for you to gain clarity and insight into your action plans.
2 minute read
18th September, 2020 | Remarcable
If you are one of the many businesses that are eager to reopen your office doors but are still uncertain about the government guidelines post-Covid-19 return to work do's and don'ts... then this guide is for you! Throughout this guide, you should gain a clearer understanding of where you stand and what measures you need to take to ensure the safety and protection of you and your staff against Covid-19 upon returning to the office.
Quick 6 Step Guide:
1. Consider all risks
A risk assessment will need to be carefully thought out and planned prior to making any investments. Thoroughly analyse your current office space, the size, the desk arrangements, access points, gathering points, etc... note down potential risks and solutions within the immediate environment once finalised be sure to share it with all staff members for complete transparency. (For example, social distancing signage, hand sanitation units installed?) Find out how to do a risk assessment.
2. Increase Office and Staff Sanitation
The usual end of the day office clean will not suffice, you will need to invest in frequent cleaning measures throughout the day to minimise any build up of potential contamination. It will also be advisable to require staff and visitors to use hand sanitiser and wash their hands more frequently.
3. Face covering when necessary
New visitors to the office must wear a face covering (as required by law). Make sure that there is clear signage upon entering the office to minimise any confusion.
4. Social Distance
We all know this one by now but it is the easiest one to slip our minds when habitually back into office mode... make it clear to staff that social distancing is required with the use of signage, floor markings, or integrating a one-way system rule throughout the office. You can make this fun with the use of design elements and reorganising and rearranging furniture...try and be creative with it.
5. Constant clean airflow
Do not let the office get stuffy! Keep windows and doors open where possible and run ventilation systems at all times...keep that air moving!
6. NHS Track and Trace
Keeping a record of all staff and contractors for 21 days since 18th September is now enforced by law. Maintaining records of staff, customers and visitors to support NHS Test and Trace? for details.
These measures above are advised by the UK Government and are an absolute given when it comes to reopening the office and welcoming back your staff safely. The main thing to note here is that Coronavirus is very much still present and it requires everyone's cooperation collectively to be able to begin to overcome this battle. Ensure you are being vigilant and doing what you can to keep safe and keep others safe whilst at work and at home.
Let's all return to work safely and work well!